Biddy Biddy Holdfast

Game DirectionsFormation: Seated circle of children; the players’ fists clenched and held close together. One child (standing) is the ring bearer, a second child (seated) is the seeker. Action: As the children sing, the ring bearer goes from player to player and secretly drops the ring into one of the fists. At the end of […]
Great Big House in New Orleans

Students stand in a circle; each student is given a number: One or Two. (See video below.)Verse 1 Ms (Measures) 1-2 – Ones step forward 4 steps (on the quarter note beats) Ms 3-4 – Ones step back 4 steps Ms 5-6 – Twos step forward 4 steps Ms 7-8 – Twos step back 4 […]
Paw Paw Patch

Formation: Students stand in two lines (Line 1 & Line 2), all facing forward.Verse 1 = Student 1 in Line 2 walks clockwise around Line 2 and Line 1 and back to original spot.Verse 2 = Same student walks around again, this time with all of the students in Line 1 following behind.Verse 3 = […]
Who’s That Tapping at the Window?

All students sing the first two phrases of the song.One student sing’s “I am tapping at the window”, another student sings” I am knocking at the door.”A student who has their back turned then guesses which students sang and responds by singing their answers back to the class. Ex: “Bobby is tapping at the window, […]
Let Us Chase the Squirrel Version 1: Here is an example video of how to play the game! Version 2: Formation: Students sit in a circle with the “Squirrel” (“It”) standing outside the circle holding a knotted handkerchief.As the song begins, “It” walks behind the circle. “It” taps a student on the shoulder with the handkerchief, drops it behind […]

Formation: Stand in circle or 2 lines facing each otherMeasure 1: 3 steps forward, clap on “O” Measure 2: 3 steps backward, clap on “O” Measure 3: 3 steps forward, clap on “O” Measure 4: pat knees on rhythm of “jingle at the window,” one stomp, clap on “O” Measure 5: 1 step backward, clap […]
I’m On the King’s Land

Students stand in a circle and sing the song: The goal of the game is for each student to make it from the far wall back to the King’s palace (the choral risers) without being tagged by the king
No Robbers Out Today

This is a game originated by children of the neighborhood. Two “robbers” hide along the path where thetravelers have to pass. After the robbers have hidden, the travelers walk along singing the song. Suddenly the robbers rush out and try to catch the rest. Those caught become robbers.
Fudge Fudge

Hot Potato Game! Students sit in a circle and sing the song while passing a ball around the circle. At the end of the song, the student with ball is out and sits in the middle. The game repeats, and the students that are out create a new circle in the middle.
We Are Dancing In The Forest

Formation: One student is “wolf” (“It”) and stands facing the corner. The rest of the students dance in a circle while singing. At the end of the song, the students that are in the circle ask the wolf “Wolf are you there?” And the wolf responds twice with no and a reason. Ex: No I’m […]