Bought Me a Cat

Let’s listen to a new song called Bought Me a Cat. Let’s try tapping the beat as I sing. Click Here for Notation
I Had a Silly Chicken

Let’s listen to a new song called I Had a Silly Chicken. Let’s try tapping the beat as I sing. Click Here for Notation
I Love Little Kitty

Let’s listen to a new song called I love Little Kitty. Let’s try tapping the beat as I sing. Click Here for Notation
Thailand Lullaby

Click Here for Notation
Backe Backe Kuchen – Movement Activity

Similar to Pat-a-Cake, this song can be clapped on the steady beat.
Where is Thumbkin?

1. Where is thumbkin? [thumb] (repeat)Here I am (repeat)How are you today sir? Very well I thank youRun away (repeat) 2. pointer [pointer finger] 3. tall man [middle finger] 4. ring man [ring finger] 5. pinkie [pinkie finger] 6. the family [all fingers] Click Here for Notation
Hop Ol’ Squirrel

One student is the “squirrel” (“It”) who hops around the outside of the circle as students pat the steady beat while singing. Everyone freezes on the last word “dee.”
Star Light Star Bright – Teacher Performance

Listen to me sing a new song.
Eating the Alphabet – Storybook

Amazon Product Page While teaching upper- and lowercase letters to preschoolers, Ehlert introduces fruits and vegetables from around the world. A glossary at the end provides interesting facts about each food. Lois Ehlert LOIS EHLERT has created many picture books, including Leaf Man, Pie in the Sky, In My World, Growing Vegetable Soup, Planting a […]
I Climbed up the Apple Tree – Pointing Activity

Lets say a new rhyme, I Climbed Up the Apple Tree.